Pies, Pies, and More Pies… Homemade Pies photographed by Christine Cox; Seattle Food Photographer; imagesbychristinecox.com 2015


These pretty little pies, are a few examples of food photography I did for Zaarly, an online market place currently in San Francisco, and Kansas City. Pastries are so fun to photograph because they are already beautiful on their own! The best thing to do, is just let them show themselves off and capture the beauty!!  The first image is, little Apple Pies in Jars, the second and third are bit size Blueberry Pies, and the last one is Mincemeat Pie. You can see more of my food photography on my website  imagesbychristinecox.com Whats your favorite pie??

Christine Cox; Seattle Food Photographer; Apple Pie; Seattle WA; 2015; Zaarly

Christine Cox; Seattle Food Photographer; Apple Pie; Seattle WA; 2015; ZaarlyChristine Cox; Seattle Food Photographer; Blueberry Pie; Seattle WA; 2015; ZaarlyChristine Cox; Seattle Food Photographer; Apple Pie; Seattle WA; 2015; Zaarly

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